Saturday, August 22, 2009

mbarak 3alaikm el shahar =D

Hey Readers! =D

b'3ait abarek 3alaikm elshahaaar!

أسأل الله لكَم فى شهَر رمضآإأآن
حسنآت تتكآثر
وهموم تتطآير
وأن يجٌعل بسَمتكم سعآدة
وصومكم عبآدة

وان يكتب لكم القبول والغفرآن
وان ينور قلَبكم بالقرآن
ويجمعنآ بكم في ظل الرحمآن

..رمــضآإأآن مبآإأركــ وكل عآإم وأنتم بخير

Ameeeeen <3

and, about the posts .... I posted part 21 3shan 5a6erkom before rm'9an... w I'll post one more post during rm'9an madri mtaa bs during :P

w other than that... ta8aballa allah 9yamkm w 9ale7 el a3mal..... :)

<3 =D

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wed-Locked 21

Previously on W E D - L O C K E D

sara " I'll gooo check if 7e9aa woke uppp ! "

I just nodded to her cluelessly. 7e9aaa iss her other sister I guess?


I took my BB in my hand, I just received a message, I opened it 3ala 6ool

FROM: a7mad

" roooo'9ee!! I just was going to tell you 3al phone that I really miss you ... Can't wait to see you later on ! "

Did he just call me ro'9ee?!


I read the message over and over again. This message contradicts with what his mother told me completely!! But.. could this be part of him playing me? bs If he was actually doing it bs for his dad, he wouldn't act like this towards me 9a7? I ignored all the ta38eedat I was thinking of with my brain and decided to go with my heart and send him something back

TO : a7mad
" =$....! "

sent! wayd 3alay right? bs ma3rf what else to say to him. I do miss him too..bss ast7yy I say it. I was running through my old messages and I saw a couple of messages mn fatooma.. I wonder where she is

TO : fatooma
" ALooooo?? Anyone there? ..."

I sighed and took the remote and flipped through the channels.


FROM: a7mad
"haaha laish tst7een menni hal kethir? I won't eat you! yal katkoota"

I miss him wayd! uf it's chee boring without him! I blushed while reading the message. Apparently he's the type that says a hell lot more on messages!

TO : a7mad
"I dooon't enzaain! :P
enta why r u messaging me seer esth'3L !! @_@ i'll tell ur babaa! "

I was totally mndemja fe my phone, pretending to watch TV bs a9lan I was checking my phone kl dgeega if I received a message or not.


FROM : a7mad

"yes you do ! =p
ana a7een I'm entertaining you w tbain tshtkeen 3alay!! Fine fine.. I'll leave you alone kaifch...."

TO: a7mad
"I Dont i dont i dont!
ayyy noo.... knt atmaa95aar (A) "

dagait send, wla marra w7da two girls barge in to the 9ala I looked up and smiled widely it was sara, and the other girl, 7e9a, she looked the same age as sara, and her features were way different she had small eyes unlike sara, and her hair was short and layered w it was black.

me " hiii "
7e9a " heeyy "

They sat down 3dal ba3a'9, 7e9a was still in her PJz ,

sara " ro'9aaa meet my bestestt friend! 7e9a!"
me " oooh ur friend? "
sara " yepp ! She almost lives here doum tbat baitna! "
me " hehe nice to meet you 7e9aa"
7e9a " you too "

She was a bit abrad 3an sara, bs she seemed sweet , the more quite type. They sat and kano ysoolfoon quietly for a while, ana I was playing on my phone.


FROM : a7mad
" ............"

eeh laykoon z3aL!

TO : a7mad
" sorryy?"


FROM : a7mad
" :( "

TO : a7mad
" a7maaaaaaaaad! I was kiddingggg"


FROM : a7mad
" make it up for me..."

TO : a7mad
" But I didn't dooo anyyything! :( "


FROM: a7mad
" fine kaifch...byee"

TO : a7mad
" ayy ok ok ok ok ! what do you want me to dooooo? "


FROM: a7mad
" come up with something ..."

I was totally smiling to my phone,, adree enna a7mad was playing around, bs when estaw3abt enna I WAS smiling to my phone I looked up w shft enna sara w 7e9a were totally looking at me, and sara was giving me the suspicious look

sara " whoooo are you talking too!!! "
me " ma7aad enzaain ! "
sara "a7madD??"

I looked at her silent 7ag kamn dgeega awanna I wont tell her, bs I eventually smiled and nodded.

me " saraaa,,,"
sara " yess? "
me " You say ennch t3arfeen fe hal swalef ya??"
sara " well I try my best ...why? oh oh 7e9a can help too she's wiser than me hehee"

7e9a just looked at her and laughed, she looked more mature than sara, bs I still like sara more she's wayd ktkoota.

me "umm ok... how do we make it up to a guy etha hoo za3aln?"

7e9a and sara both looked at each other and laughed. sara looked at me and shook her head

sara " are you really 19? hehe. You knOW kaif tra'9een a man duh!"

she winked, and at that second estaw3abt what she means!

me " ahh noooo I Don't mean that way !! 8a9dee like 3al messages"
sara " oww.. mmmm u can tell him that when he comes home he'll get some treatment from you?"
me " errmm...Anything that doesn't involve contacttt? "
sara " haha fine mmmmmmmm"
7e9a " mmm Maybe you can dale3 him wayd on a message , men love it when you spoil them"
me " hmmm ok "

I said grinning and going back to my phone. hmmm let's see what I can say

TO : a7mad
" a7maadyyy! :(
I 'm really sorryy I said that , makan 8a9deee, a9lan I'd never want to get rid of u! bs abak tsht'3L so you come back to me bser3a because ..........i.....reaLLY......... Miss you... =$....=( asfaa"

dagait send. A maid came in with a sandwich and handed it to 7e9a. I wanted to ask sara about her brothers and sisters, bs ma3rf if its the right time wla kaif.


FROM: a7mad
" fdaait el a7madyy ana ;) ... adree enna you miss me muhaha ! w a7een r'9ait .. bs one more thing when ashoofch aba asma3 9outich wnti tzgreeni eb my new nikname that you just wrote ok? ;) I'll talk to you later! ba5al9 sh'3lee a7een.....3shan I get to c u asAP! c u soon !!"

I just read it w put my phone down, w I won't call him a7mady in real life! he can't make me. It was tawa 3 o' clock el '9eher. Sara w 7e9a tamo shway then they left, galo byseeroon el beach w byrdoon el fel lail, I sort of wanted to tag along, bs they didn't ask me to, w maknt aba arez eb wayhe..When they left it was 4, so I went to our bedroom and sat inside malana. I kept checking my phone for miscalls or messages. Bs there was nothing. I expected to see shay from my mom or dad, or fatooma at least ! I'm really worried about her I wonder where she is mb mn 3adat'ha to not call me like this. I tried calling marra bs 6la3 el mobile m'3la8, I decided I'll try later.

I had such a long morning, and I was bored so la7aft 3mri and I went to sleep in the cold. I opened my eyes a few hours later to a dark room, and an empty bed. I turned my head to see el sa3a... kan mktoob 7:12 pm. I sat up and looked around, bs there was no one here yet. gmt re7t el 7ammam and washed my face, b3dain 9alait w kelshay. I checked my phone again, and there was nothing yet again

6la3t re7t el 9ala and it was so dark, fta7t el laitat and I sat there flipping through the channels. I put it on a movie and watched it. el movie 5alla9 3al sa3a 9, then I put on another show, and another one. kent 7a6etenna 3ala Friends now, it was 11 pm, w knt mb makla lunch wala dinner, I admit I was hungry, bs I was too scared to a6la3 mn el '3rfa, I ate biscuits that I found fl small bar fe 9alatna, bs b3dni yo3ana y3ne. I was watching TV when I saw the door handle moving down, wl bab shway shway ynft7. It was a7mad he stepped in with an apology smile on his face. I was za3lana, cz ana a5as shay 3ndi when someone ygool he'll come at a time w then yet2a5ar wayd! y3ne say mn el bdaya that u'll be late. 9a7 enna sara told me, bs I didn't want to believe her. I took one glance at him with a frown on my face then 9adait back at the TV with a pissed off attitude. He was walking towards me

a7mad " salam w 3alaaikm"

I continued staring at the Tv, looking as pissed off as I possibly could.

me " w 3alaikm el salam"

I said in a cold voice, not looking back at him. He came and sat right next to me and kan y6ale3ni

a7mad " ro'9aa ana asef, adree t2a5art bss obooy 3a6ani she'3L,, w chee...u knoww .. ! "

I looked at him with my pissed off look,

me " enzain laish ma6arasht message to tell me you'll be late?"
a7mad " tara I said I was busy so makan 3ndi wagt to send a message kent a7awel a5al9 el sh'3el fe asra3 wagt mumken so I could come back home! "

I raised one eye brow

me " Message maybala shay only 2 seconds y3ne ..."
a7mad " I said I was sorry.."

kent ba3di za3lana, so I just looked at him coldly b3dain lafait rasy towards the TV ignoring his apology. His voice suddenly changed to a more serious angry one

a7mad " ro'9a youm 7ad yramsch 3al a8al 6al3ee... w youm 7ad yet2assaf he expects el 6araf el thani enna ytfahham shway 3al a8al.."

He said firmly, lafait rasy 9ooba w his eye brows were creased y3ne kan 9dg m7arrej. bs I didn't say anything back, I just looked back at him silently. He got up angrily and marched to the bedroom

a7mad " ufff ... I guess my mom was right about u .... ! "

and he slammed the bedroom door behind him.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wed-Locked 20

Previously on W E D - L O C K E D

a7mad's mom " sm3eeni zain tara maba3eedha!"

she said like she was attacking me. I was freaked out here and just nodded slowly

a7mad's mom " et7amelay tfakreen enna a7mad 9dg ybach, tara ho gayelly enna maybach w bs besawee che 7ag oboo b3dain beheddich! fa la tet7arain enti 7esbat murta wla shay. kella mas2alat she'3l w youm y5alle9, enti ba3ad bnt5alla9 mennich .....w etha l3abtii fe mu55a wla shay ana elly ba3almech mkantech!!!"


I sat there in shock, and looked at her walking away, just like that. I put the bread that was in my hand 3al 9a7an, and stared at my plate in shock at what she said. Was she just making things up? And one sentence kept repeating in my head "tara ho gayelly enna maybach w bs besawee che 7ag oboo b3dain beheddich!", 7asait my tummy was twisting at this thought.. what if....what if it's for real? But she probably made it up.....righhtt? Or maybe he actually told her that. Bs bs...akeed it was before we went to the honeymoon ...right? Wla ma38oola all this time he's just toying with me ?? I hate to admit it bs her threatening got to me.. madri if it were her words or her tone that was convincing and scary. I sat there thinking of what to do about what she just told me when my phone rang, 6ala3ta mn my pocket and looked at the screen

Calling "a7mad"

I hesitated etha I should pick up or not, I was curious to know laish ho mete99el, bs I decided not to! a5af a9ee7 while I'm talking to him or something, w I don't think I'm going to tell him about what happened bainy w bain omma. because what if he admits to it? How am I going to put up with that? kfaya the thought that it is true hurts, Knowing it's true would probably be million marra worse! Plus etha he had to choose bain me w omma I think he'd choose his mum, fl a5eer he only knows me mn about a week or so.

I looked at the food jdami w 5atht a couple of more things 3shan gelt maybe I can distract myself with eating, and pass time or something. I got up with my plate and headed back to our room. fe el mamar to our room I saw this girl, she looked almost 15 wla shay che, and she had long hair tied up in a pony tail, she had glasses on w was wearing a fuchsia training suit, mal juicy couture. She was walking towards me curiously at first b3dain when she came closer she smiled, fa I smiled back to her. I felt kind of stupid here with my plate channi 9argetenna, I really thought no one would be around! She stopped when yat jdami

girl " heeey !"
me " hii"
girl " soo yoouu're a7maaadsss ,,,"
me " yesss ... yes its mee"
girl "owwwwwh ! so you're roo'9aaaaa"
me "hehe haih ana ro'9a"
girl " ana a7mad's sister ! my name's sara! "
me " oowh nicee to meet yooou"

She was grinning the whole time, I can't say I wasn't surprised, because after the thing that happened this morning I kind of expected this to be the house of bitches or something! She was so enthusiastic w met7amsa, maddat eedha enna to shake hands, so I shaked her handss

sara " Nice to meeeet you too! "

I just smiled back widely. estwa fatrat awkward silence 7ag 2 seconds bs then of course the enthusiastic girl broke it ...

sara " Listen ! I'm really bored 3adyy ayee wyach? "

She smiled innocently

me " ohh yaaa of course ta3alii , its ur house a9lan hehe"
sara " thank yewww! "

she just tagged along while I was walking to the suite. We sat inside, she sat like right next to me! and I opened the Tv, and was looking eb 6araf 3ainy studying her actions. she was just laying comfortably 3al sofa, like she really was bored. 7a6ait Dubai One on the tyra show. 3ala 6ool my phone rang. I took it out and shalaita 3ala 6ool knowing who it is.

me " Salaam w 3alaaaikm! "
a7mad " w 3alaaikm el salaaaaam..! 9abaa7 el5aair wainch matshleen el telephoon!"
me " oh sorryy knt atrayaag hehe"
a7mad " So you found ur way through our house I seee.."
me " mmmm haaaih "
a7mad " did you sleeeep well ro'9aa?"
me " yes yess I did sleep well"
a7mad "ro'9aaaa...."
me " na3aaaam a7maaaadddd"
a7mad " I wanna tell yoou smthnnnn'
me " gooooL"
a7mad "mmmmmmmmmm"
me " A7MAAD!!! "
a7mad " never mind never mind it's not important"
me " yalla 3aad . .. "
a7mad " ehhh lazm abanned 3gb shwaay 3ndii meeting .. I just called to check up on u"
me " mmmm enzain ..."

5alait 9oote shway za3lana here, I was looking at my lap wla sar7ana barra3 el dreesha all this time nasya enna SARA 3dalee! I turned my head w noticed enna she was looking back at me so I gave her a 5feef smile.

a7mad "wainch a7een ?"
me " umm fee our 9alaa.... withh someone,,,,"
a7mad " weya mnooo?"
me " mabagoool laain maa u tell me what you wanted to say ! "
a7mad "ro'9aaaa! "
me "a7maaaaaaaD!" *mimicking his voice*
a7mad "fine ! kaifch akeed you're making it up 3shan You want me to tell you"
me " ahaaa..! .........a7maad..."
a7mad " na3am ?'
me " mmmm mta btrd?"
a7mad " uuuh el 9ara7a ba3adnii bageeli fa enshalla 3al m'3arb ... If i'm luckyy"
me "oh..."
a7mad " ba7awel a5alle9 fast! w you can call me if you need anything!"
me " enzaainn...."
a7mad " yalla I have to gooo a7eenaa maybe I'll call you later ok?"
me " okaaai"
a7mad "byeeeee"
me " byee"

*6oooo6 6oooooooooo6*

I put the phone down and sighed heavily.

sara " Was that a7maadD??"
me " haaihh"
sara " mnzmaan mashfta! "
me " he said byrd 3al m'3arb"

She coughed a slight laugh when I said that, I looked at her confused.

sara " mmm sorryyy bs he usually comes back so late doum, so it's funny he told you that "
me " really? hmmm"

I said with a frown then looked back down 3ala my lap.

sara " OH myy God!"

I jumped at her words and stared at her face with her mouth opened looking at me, I looked at her confused

sara " YOU like him don't you!! "
me "uh..."

I struggled for words bs only ended up blushing like hell ef'97ing myself!

sara " Omg! You reallyy doo!! "

I shrugged my shoulders innocently at her , and sighed

sara " Does a7mad like you toooo??"

She said excitedly.

me "mmmm ma3arf..."
sara " ohh..."

She sat down 3al sofa seeda quiet for a couple of seconds then ngzat again

sara "oww OWw!!!! "
me " hehe shoo?"
sara " Do you want me to find out for youuu? IM really good at it heheh"
me " You're gonna ask him y3ne?"
sara " noo noo noo ... I will observe him when he's with you! I can totally tell if he likes you or not that way "

I laughed at her and then decided to play along with her, so I nodded agreeing with her. she clapped excitedly w kanat at the peak of her ta7amus!

me "mmmmmm how old are you by the way?"
sara " me?? Im 16 aaand yooou?"

she said grinning widely. That wasn't too far from my guess!

me " I'm 19"

I smiled happily to her. This girl really 3adelat mazajee.. she'z really 7abooba and overly cheerful, I LIke it !

sara "oooooh you're not that old y3nee !! "
me " hahah yess I'm not"

She got up faj2aa and was heading out of the 9alaa

sara " I'll gooo check if 7e9aa woke uppp ! "

I just nodded to her cluelessly. 7e9aaa iss her other sister I guess?


I took my BB in my hand, I just received a message, I opened it 3ala 6ool

FROM: a7mad

" roooo'9ee!! I just was going to tell you 3al phone that I really miss you ... Can't wait to see you later on ! "

Did he just call me ro'9ee?!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wed-Locked 19


Previously on W E D - L O C K E D

a7mad " Pack your things, we're going back to Dubai tomorrow...."


I felt his lips on my neck, fta7t 3ainy shwaya and a tear escaped
a7mad " ro'9aa! ro'9aa why are you crying!!!! I thought.. I thought... uhh asef walla t7arait u were ok with kissing ! ro'9aa... I'm sorry ..."

a7mad " uuh I guess we have to know each other better than this... ro'9a....mmmm...... how about we slow things down? a7s it's better, I don't want something like this to happen again.... ok?...what do you think?"

a7mad " Yalla let's pack our things together ! "
me " ummm....ok"

He walked into the closet ahead of me, I followed him slowly lost in thought...I couldn't stop thinking of how I screwed things up!

UGHH noo ! what have I done!!


ahh! Ok so now I'm sitting in the plane beside a7mad, and he's asleep w bs bagee 1 hour until we land in dubai! And as expected la ommy wala obooy wala e5wani ete9loo feeni, bs the weird thing is enna neither did fatooma, I wonder where she is ! I'm excited w zay'3a at the same time! I mean it's a whole new life and I wonder how I can avoid a7mad's mom, w I know that my family semi - abandoned me, bs I miss them alot! Although it has been fatra g9eera, bs it feels like a decade ! I wonder if a7mad will be wayd caught up in his job wla kaif.. honestly, I don't know what to expect . . .

me " a7mad a7maad ,, yalla goum we'll land in a few minutes! "

I started nudging him after the announcement was made, 3shan ygoom. It's been somewhat awkward between us since last night... uff I have to ruin kelshay.
7beeby he's so cute when he's asleep! Yes I gave in to the fact that I really like him! And I do call him 7beeby bsss ONLY in my head where no one can hear me, for now.. hehe

I was looking at him while he was rubbing his eyes and stretching w b3dain laf 9oobee

me "Gooood Morning sunshiine hehee"

smiling to him excitedly, he grinned tiredly

a7mad " heey u "

We put our seat belts on and got ready for landing, this is it, the start of something new I guess, Allah y3een.

Nzalna mn el 6ayaraa, and we took our luggage, it was 12 : 10 am taw8eet Dubai, as I read on my BB. We were walking 9oub the exit door where all the people are greeted by 7baybhm, I looked around as we entered that area, bs there were no familiar faces, a7mad was pushing the trolly with our luggage on,

a7mad " Oh ro'9a there's the driver lets go"

I looked the other side w there he was walking towards us in his flowery colorful shirt.

Driver " hellooo sir how r yeww"
a7mad " good good 8adeer, here take the trolly"

He took the trolly w msha jdamna lain el car, I was just following them silently, I was sort of hopping enna 7ad ysta8blna fl ma6ar, bs I guess this was never a real marriage to begin with, I shouldn't expect anything right?
rkabna el sayara w on the way to their house no one was talking, a7mad kan ba3ada m9a6el w ana lost in thought. This will be the first time I step foot into their house! I wonder how big it is, w I wonder how our room will be. 9a7 enna our house wasn't a tiny room but it was not big y3ne, one floor 4 rooms che normal. Sitting in this black shining Mercedes, madri ay modail I'm not an expert in that field, bs akeed the newest of its kind or something, I felt like a different person, I mean not too long ago I was just another girl going to university, in our normal car, living like any other normal girl at my age, living in a normal house. And look at me now, everything around me is so fancy, a bit too fancy! I almost feel like an alien already.
I turned my face to take a look at him, to make me feel better shway, and it actually did ! seeing a cute guy almost always lifts a person's spirit don't you think? hehe. He turned 9oobee whn I looked at him and smiled

a7mad " Are you ok?"
me " ahh yaaa hehe why?"
a7mad " U look tense"
me " mmmm laa I'm just thinkiing"
a7mad " aboout?"
me "mmmm how things r gonna be now that we're back"
a7mad " oh ... hmmmm"

I turned and looked outside the window, we were in jumeirah, and it was so dark.

a7mad " ahh w9alnaa....! "

I looked at him with his all happy face and then looked back outside to see their house, their na6oor came out to check the car then opened the humungous gate for us, we went in and and there was a share3 that leads to the basement where the garage is, the way was lit up by lights on the side, and once we were in the garage they were many cars in the parking like definitely more than 5. The house looked so pretty bs it was too dark to see the whole house 3adel. Me and a7mad got out of the car, a7mad was heading to this door on the corner so I followed him bser3a. We got in, and I saw this huge 9alaa bs the lights were off, madri wain I followed a7mad into and we got into the lift, a7mad looked at me and 7as enna I'm nervous I guess because he smiled and then held my hand in his

a7mad "stop freaking out hehe"

I sighed and looked at him and nodded with a 5feef smile. The lift opened w 6la3na 3ala this mamar, we're in the 2nd floor 7asab kalam el lift ... and I heard the voices of a TV mn hnee mshaina akthar w then we were in the 9ala where I saw his mom sitting in her Pjz, omg she looks so different ! She got up at the sight of a7mad and they were hugging w kelshay and I was just standing there looking at them silently. When she let go of a7mad and looked 9oobe mn 6araf 3yoonha, I decided to act nice awana.

me " Salam w 3alaaikm"

I said cheerfully, She raised her head w shafatny with a disgusted look then lafat ras'ha 3ala a7mad

a7mad's mom " w 3alaikm..."

a7mad shafny and he saw that I was a bit disappointed bs '3ayar el salfa by talking to his mom about Spain. It's funny how she's a totally different person when it comes to a7mad, wayd etdal3a, kano ysoolfoon w y'97koon, and I was just sitting there, thank god the TV was on, because I was just staring at it the whole time. hmm.. I wonder etha this is how it'll be from now on. I wonder where 5awat a7mad are like, I haven't seen them w at'thakar marra he mentioned enna he has 4 sisters and 2 brothers, bs his mom is here roo7ha. I wonder if they're like a7mad, or more like his mom. The tv was on this turkish drama thing that I never watch, I don't mind watching them though. hmm most of the guys are hot in them too ...

a7mad " ro'9aa'9aaa"

I turned my face ba3ad ma sma3ta

me " ohh na3am?"
a7mad " tbain troo7een tnamain?"
me " umm la 3adii mb wayd ta3bana"
a7mad " la yalla nseer nshoof our room"
a7mad's mom " la la mb room a7maad! fa'9aitLk el suite anaa! "
a7mad " oh 9dg! zain 3yaal walla "

He got up and kissed his mom's head w asharli enna ayee 3nda.

a7mad's mom " tawel naas a7mad "
a7mad " asef bs ta3baneen bnseer ennam "

She glared at me w rolled her eyes after that channa I'm the one dragging him to the room! I just said jdamha that I'm not sleepy ( although I did want to go inside).
elmhm I ignored that and mshait wya a7mad to 'ouR' room oh oh la i mean ourr SUITe, haha ! He opened this wooden door w kan kel el laitat mbaneda , he opened them w b3dain sakkar el bab behind him. It was a beautiful modern living room with a plasma TV, and a white L sofa with a small coffee table fl ne9, it was just 3jeeb! and not to forget, there was a small bar place on the side of the room with hal high chairs and a thalaja. I was just gazing at kelshay, I love modern styles and I love houses w interior design w hal swalf. Then lafait 3ala wayh a7mad all excited with a wide grin!

a7mad " haa shooraych? "
me " 9ara7aa ! 3jeeeb"
a7mad " elmhm y3ybch!"

I just smiled at him, y3ne 9a7 enna I was forced into this, bs hal ashya el 9'3eera makes it sometimes okay, mb enna ana mayta 3al floos, bs sa3at I tell myself, WHy not ? u know what I mean! I opened bab our room myself, and it wasn't as amazing as the living room bs it was cute. It was all black and white and not that modern, more cozy like, w fee this huge sofa that looks so comfyy and I just wanted to jump in it ! bs when I went in more I saw the opening to the closet which was almost as big as the room itself! woah! I don't think I even have that much clothes to fill them out ! a7mad on the other hand just came in and sat on the bed bouncing ( while sitting) on it channa he was testing it. I took a look at the bathroom kan black and white as well, w fee this jacuzzi and candles in the bathroom too! 6ab3an I can't stop the ideas coming in my head after seeing that, bs I shoo-ed them out of my head immediately, why think of it when I can't have it ?

Radait back to the room and a7mad was taking off his shirt,, uuh I just saw the jacuzzi he shouldn't do this to me. I looked away awanna y3ne bs unfortunatly

a7mad "ro'9a btnamain a7een?"

I heard my name bs, I can't not look at him while talking to him I guess, I turned my face and tried my hardest to concentrate on his face only...

me "ha?"
a7mad "btrgdeeeeen a7eeeeeeeeeeen?"
me "ohh ohh yess yess I guess"
a7mad "oh mb channa you just told my mom you are not tired"

kan ymshee ajrab 3anni while talking. laish a7s deep down in him he's sort of torturing me!!? 6ab3an ana I couldn't resist w I looked at his 6 pack that I 'm in love with, bs I returned my concentration 3ala his face as fast as I could! w I looked at him innocentlyy with a msta7ya face

me " knt ajaamel . . ."
a7mad " haha I knew it , I saw your face while you were awana watching Tv. ashkera u were bored"
me " Laaaa2 9dgg I was 3adii if you wanted to stay"
a7mad " ahaa ahaa"

He said that while getting up w walking to the closet not letting me say anything else, hoo y3ne he's right bs I don't want his mom to have more reasons to hate me! kfaya enna she hates me and I did nothing yet! I snuggeled into the blanket of the bed with my jeans and shirt on bs farait shailtee 3al shibreyya, I closed my eyes for a few minutes and with the cold-ness of the room, I drifted awaaay.

I heard some noises and I opened my eyes shway shway, The room was empty, I kinda got used to waking up with a7mad 3dalee, I wasn't 3dala when I fell asleep either, it felt different, bad different. I could still hear a9wat 5feefa every now and then, when I saw the sa3a it was 11:30 something am, y3ne not thaat late I guess. kent m8hoora shway cz I just woke up from a really nice dream! sort of lame but a very feel-good dream! me and a7mad were on this picnic w he was just about to kiss me bs I woke up, a5as shay when you wake up on the best part of the dream!

I went to the bathroom w lbast a long red and black dress wya long sleeve body and a shaila just in case fe 7ad fl bait, I still don't know who's who and where are they , w kaif 7ayat'hm yet, so I better take my precautions. I got out of the room w found out the sources of the noises I heard earlier, they were two maids talking fe the living room of our 'suite' w kano yna'9foon, they said hi immediately after seeing me, I just smiled to them w kamalt 6reeji, I went to the 9ala a7mad'z mom was in yesterday gelt ymkn the kitchen is mkan jreeb from there because kent wayd yo3ana! I walked lain ma I came across this other maid,

me " mm helloo , where's the kitchen pleaasE?"
maid " ooh hello madaam, oh the kitchen is right here, go straight then right"
me " oh okk thank you!"

so I did as she said knt mashya seeda in a corridor with doors w b3dain 7asait fe 7ad waray so lafait w ngazt!

me " oh!"
a7mad's mom " oh enti..."
me " salam w 3alaikm"

she looked at me weirdly, like 'wth is she doing' look

a7mad's mom " mm wain ray7a?"
me " mm el ma6ba5, adawr shay akla...?"
a7mad's mom " hahaahay.. 9dg ennech......wla agool ta3ali bawadeesh wyay 3shan aba agoolch shay a9lan"

she said bitterly, I was freaked out already by her appearing behind me out of nowhere, so I said nothing and followed her, since she said there's going to be food! We walked into this room with a very high ceiling and a huge chandelier and this long table in the middle wya lots of food put on one side of it. I walked to that side and took a seat and started putting food on my plate! I do tend to get distracted when my tummy is involved with things. a7mad's mom took the seat ely mjabelni w was looking at me with her na'9rat el 7a8eera. I took a bite of the sandwich I had on my plate, la sho bite I actually finished it in almost 2 seconds before a7mad's mom would say anything, akeed she'll think I'm maja3a now or something, bs I was too hungry to care!

a7mad's mom " mmmm aba akalmech fe maw'9oo3 mohem"

I looked up innocently and curiously with a piece of cheese mana8eesh in my hand.

me "mm ok"

a7mad's mom " sm3eeni zain tara maba3eedha!"

she said like she was attacking me. I was freaked out here and just nodded slowly

a7mad's mom " et7amelay tfakreen enna a7mad 9dg ybach, tara ho gayelly enna maybach w bs besawee che 7ag oboo b3dain beheddich! fa la tet7arain enti 7esbat murta wla shay. kella mas2alat she'3l w youm y5alle9, enti ba3ad bnt5alla9 mennich .....w etha l3abtii fe mu55a wla shay ana elly ba3almech mkantech!!!"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wed-Locked 18

Previously on W E D - L O C K E D

a7mad " Pack your things, we're going back to Dubai tomorrow...."

and he slammed the bathroom door behind him. He just left me there, as my mouth dropped open

what??!!! But why????!


I felt tears crawling down my cheek as I was sitting there in shock. I was more freaked out than za3lana or something, why was he so angry? Like I did something to piss him off, as if it's my fault? Did I do anything that would upset him? I went over my thoughts and my memories but I couldn't come up with anything. La ,,laa it can't be my fault I know that I did nothing wrong, but why was he so angry? Why are we going back to Dubai? I don't want to go back just yet! Is he leaving me when we're there? Is our dads' deal over or something? Why wont he come out of the bathroom, why can't he explain everything to me righht now!

I felt my heart sinking, and my insides twisting, everything hurt. My heart was beating faster as I was silently crying. I couldn't stop the bad scenarios from playing in my head, of him coming out and randomly abusing me. Or going back home and divorcing me. My hands started to shiver, and my tears came out rapidly as I was still staring at the bathroom door.

chkk,,,,, *door lock opens*

The door opened slowly as he came out with his head to the floor and one of his hands scratching his head, he looked sad. He looked up at me as I was staring back at him, with the tears still freshly wet on my face, and no sound escaping my lips. I stared back at him cautiously, scared of what would happen next.
His eyebrows creased more when he saw me, and his mouth slightly opened like he was about to say something but then he closed it immediately. He walked a few steps slowly and sat right beside me and sighed. He turned his face to me, and I turned mine too and looked at him, he looked like he needed a hug much more than I do right now, bs my hands failed to lift themselves, I was still afraid of what might be his reaction, because after all I do not know him all that well.

a7mad " laish t9ee7een?"

He said calmly, with a low deep voice. I looked into his eyes and didn't say anything. Of course I wont say anything y3ne, ana roo7y zay'3a, what if I say something I shouldn't ? I want to ask him why we're going back bs..... a5af..... I'll wait for him to say the reason.
He sighed again, and reached for one of my hands and wrapped his over it, then he laid on his back, I turned my face to look at him, kan m'3amme'9 3yoona. the holding my hand thing means he's not mad at me 9a7? Why did he 7arej 3alay then?

a7mad " I don't wanna go back yet either"

He opened his eyes after saying that, then looked at me with a frown. Masa7t the dmoo3 that were on my face, it seemed like the right moment to ask him. So I laid on my side, facing him, and ybt our hands that were together nearer to my chest. I felt a relief in me because he didn't look mad at me anymore, he looked like he was back to the a7mad i have gotten used to, bs he looked really za3lan, and i couldn't hold my curiosity back any longer

me "mmm a7mad.."

I said wearily, with my weird 'after-crying' voice. He turned his face and looked at me, still with the sad face, He looked so cuute! I just wanted to kiss him 3ala 6ool, bs that would be just weird and out of nowhere! So, I cleared my throat and said with a frown

me " laish bnrd baachr?"

He looked at me while asking, b3dain he turned his face to the ceiling

a7mad " uhh5.. yarabiii ........ it's obooy and work.... el8sem elly ana adeera fl sharika 7alta really bad cz my assistant 7a'9reta 8arrar he quits faj2a because he got a way better offer in another company. W obooy mete99eL gali he booked us a ticket back cz he says its an emergency, w geltella it could wait y3ne 4 or 5 more days bs 7arraj 3alay and he said I'm irresponsible w he should've never depended on me w che, w elmhm enna '3a9bn 3anny lazm ard.."

He turned to face me, and laf that he's laying on his side now, just like me

a7mad " I'm sorry..."

At the time, I was processing kelshay, It's just a work thing y3ne? Thank god it's not my fault! bs honestly, 9a7 enna I was bummed 3shan I DO wanna stay here more, bs I was happy enna nuthing between me and a7mad changed, cz moments ago I imagined him leaving me, w I realized that I'm becoming attached to this man!

me " Why are you sorry? It's not your fault"

I said letting out a sigh of relief and a soft smile. He squinted his eyes, w looked confused, then he sat up and looked at me wonderingly

a7mad " That's it? You're not angry or annoyed or anythingg?"

I got up too and sat 3adel after he did

me " uuhh well it does ye8har bs it's your work, it's not like we can do anything to change it, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently. He looked at me suspiciously, and raised one eyebrow.

a7mad " You don't even look ma8hoora. . ."
me " well......... honestlyyy..... the way u were angry t7arait it was something way worst! So I am sort of relieved because ... t7arait you were mad at me" *frown*
a7mad " Oh... Is that why you were crying?"

I nodded innocently with the etdal3ing frown still on my face.

a7mad " eeeeeh I'm sorry! bs knt m7arrej cz I don't want to go back!"
me " thats the only reason you were m7arrej??"
a7mad " Laish?" you don't think it's a good enough reason?"
me " well...I dunno... it was awal marra I see you that m7arrej, it sort of scared me"
a7mad " hehe ... knt m3a99eb w maknt a3arf what to do, ma7b when obooy y'39bni to do things for the sharika, bs at the same time ma7b I be stubborn w ignore him.....sorry I let it out on you"

I couldn't hold it in anymore! I got up and put my hands around his shoulders since ho kan yals and hugged him tightly, he looked at me weirdly while I was about to hug him, bs I ignored it!

me " hehehe You're such a baby!"

I let go of him and sat jdama on my knees 3al floor facing him. He totally ignored my teasing and looked back at me with a smile, bs .. I haven't seen this smile before, I didn't know what it was and what it meant, he looked like he was at ...peace? Madri it was weirdly different. He stayed like that for a bit, bs then I just felt weird

me "mmmmm hellooo??"
a7mad " oh sorryy.. sra7t"
me " hehe fee shooo haaaa"

I said teasingly, awana y3ne being funny, not expecting him to answer. He looked at me devilishly and smirked

a7mad " feech intii......"

he said with a deep voice that would make you shiver! My face changed and of course i turned red! w I got up and I looked at him with a scared face! ahhhh it was so awkward! 6ab3an he burst out laughing at my reaction. uurgh! I'm glad I changed his mood, bs maybe it was better when he was quieter and innocent? Adree enna I do want him, bs when he actually 'says' it feels weird! I'm sooo not used to thissss !

He got up and was walking towards me, I was still looking at him scared, I started walking backwards cautiously wondering about his intentions , he stopped and raffa3 one eyebrow

a7mad " So it's only ok if YOU hug me?!"

I stood in my place, and felt stupid for thinking he would do anything else, he'd never rape me right? he's a7mad after all... but....maybe... I don't mind if it's him ? ahh no no what am I saying I DO mind if he does it by force!! But... he'll never do it ...right?

me " oh ... hehe" * i looked down and locked my hands*

I suddenly felt his hands on my shoulder, w he was slowly pushing me back, I looked up and I saw his face, still with the devilish look on. My back was to the wall now and he had one of his hands on my shoulder and the other one stretched out on the wall, he was surrounding me.

a7mad " Laish.......what did you think I would do ....."

He was breathing heavily, as he eyed my body mn ta7at laaaain foug. I on the other hand was about to cry due to the sudden change in mood! What's up with this guy! he's scaring me! ahh I should've never worn this! My face was filled with fear, I wanted to push him away bs I was too weak to lift my hands. I just stared into his eyes holding my tears inside. I know I have kissed him before, bs this person jdami is NOT acting like a7mad ! He brought his face closer and his nose rubbed on my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck, it made me shiver. I shut my eyes tight in fear,! uuh!
I felt his lips on my neck, fta7t 3ainy shwaya and a tear escaped my eyes. rfa3 rasa after kissing my neck for a bit with a wide grin on his face, which immediately vanished after he saw my face 3adel.

a7mad " ro'9aa! ro'9aa why are you crying!!!! I thought.. I thought... uhh asef walla t7arait u were ok with kissing ! ro'9aa... I'm sorry ..."

Kel el tears that I was holding in rushed out after he said that... like it was ok to breathe now! OMg sho mshkeltiiiii! I did kiss him gabl... bs madri he was acting all scary! Bs he did do that gabl too ! bss I don't know...! I was shivering mn el 9ya7, he kept saying sorry and I dug my face in his chest and wrapped my hands around his waist, and held him tight. He put his hands around me too, which definitely calmed me down, we stayed like that for a while, he was quiet, and I was too, just breathing calming myself down.

I tilted my head up to see his face, he was looking seeda sar7an in another world. I loosened my hands around him and looked up at him. His head moved when I did that and he let go of me when he saw that I wasn't crying anymore. He went to the bed and sat 3alaih and dug his head into his palms and sighed. I couldn't help not feeling guilty, cz fl a5eer it isn't entirely his fault, like my clothes were asking for it, actually i DId want it, bs m3rf what happened to me. I went over to him and sat on my knee jdama

me "a7mad .... i'm sorry...walla.....bss u scared me.... i ...."

He lifted his head up when I was talking, and had this innocent guilty look on his face.

a7mad " ro'9a did u really think I would hurt you? 9a7 enna we haven't been together for so long, bs mb L hal daraja y3ne, I'm sorry for joking around bs t7arait you knew me better than to fall for it"
me " no bss..... uuh I dnoo"

I frowned and looked at my lap, uff 9a7 kalama I do know him better than that, bs shdarani he could have been fooling around those past few days right?

a7mad " uuh I guess we have to know each other better than this... ro'9a....mmmm...... how about we slow things down? a7s it's better, I don't want something like this to happen again.... ok?...what do you think?"

wHAT? slow things down? No more kissing? but but ....!
he is right though...I looked at him with a slight frown, bs then I nodded slowly, although I did not want to, bs it seemed as the right thing to do at the moment. He got up sighed, and smiled, more like forcibly smiled, ashkra his smile wasn't for real..

a7mad " Yalla let's pack our things together ! "
me " ummm....ok"

He walked into the closet ahead of me, I followed him slowly lost in thought...I couldn't stop thinking of how I screwed things up!

UGHH noo ! what have I done!!