Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wed-Locked 13

My Lovely readers,,
I know it's short hehe I'm sorryyy(A),,, bs better than nothing ey? ;)


Previously on W E D - L O C K E D

her shouting was only the trigger of the crying, but still

how could she?!?!!!!


I sat on the floor of the bathroom with my back against the door crying, I couldn't stop I was gasping for air trying to breathe, and the tears kept flowing, a7mad came about 5 seconds after I locked myself in and kept knocking the door

a7mad " RO'9aa! ro'9aa pleassee ft7ii el bab, ro'9aa"

His voice didn't stop from behind the door, it lasted I would say 15 minutes knocking then he started calling my name every kamn dgeega, thn he stopped, and it was quiet. I didn't want to go out, I dug my head between my knees and closed my eyes trying to control my emotions. I missed my parents and brothers so much, I mean although it's been only 2 days since I've seen them, but you know when reality hits you, and you acknowledge the fact that it's never going to be like it used to? This was the main reason I was crying. His mom shouting at me just made me ma8hoora and when I'm ma8hoora I cry, but I got over that fast, I mean i know she's like that I should've expected it from her. I sat there in silence for a while, then lifted my head, stood up, w washed my face, then took a breath and unlocked the door. And slowly opened the door and peeked out and opened it wide after what I saw. a7mad had a pillow on the floor right next to the door and was sleeping on it, omg mskeeen kaatkoot, I shook my head at that, did I just call him katkoot? shit, errr what should I do, shit it's all my fault and he's sick I bent down on my knees to check on his fever, It seemed to be better than before, he needed to get on the bed, the floor must be killing him.

me "a7mad a7mad,, yalla goum"

before I could say anything else he jumped out of his sleep and grabbed my wrist, and breathed shwaya , then looked at me with a sign of relief in his eyes then sighed and let go of my wrist. I was sitting in front of him on the floor jdam the bathroom door. He put his hand on my shoulder

a7mad " ro'9a, are you ok?? I shouldn't have let you pick up the phone , bss knt ta3ban, bss still it's all my fault........ ro'9a.... please say something ... "

I looked down at my hand, Although he was t3ban, bs I didn't want him to think enna oh its ok if my mom does this to her again she doesn't mind, knt lazm i make this the last time something like this happened.

me "what do you want me to say a7mad?"

I looked up into his eyes with an almost dry angry expression, I mean that's the expression I was aiming for, m3rf what showed up on my face, the redness 5aff in his eyes, bs they were still sleepy and tired looking. I shook his hand off my shoulder and stood up, madait eedi for him still with my pissed off expression

me "ta3al rest now, we'll talk bout this b3dain"

He was obedient, za5 eedi w he carried his pillow with the other hand and got up, I dragged him to the bed where he put his pillow, then he sat on the side of the bed and kept staring at me, with intense, or he was in deep thought, I mean that's what he looked like. I tried staring back into his eyes 3shan he changes his expression, but he didn't at all. He started scaring me so I decided to say something.

me "mm a7mad by rest I meant Sleep, yalla lay down,, u look tired"

His gaze's direction did not change, but the expression changed, it turned to a softer one, and seconds later, he pouted. POUTEd, I was so confused. I walked a few steps closer to him leaving a hand distance between me and his knee.

me "what's wrong??"
a7mad "I'm so confused can you help me?"
me " emmm, what's the problem?"
a7mad " It's a long story you should sit"

He patted the place next to him, while I was looking at him still confused, and still with my depressed, sad, and angry expression. I decided to give in so I went ahead and sat next to him still keeping the hand distance gap thing. He stared down at the gap, then looked at me, then scooted closer

a7mad " So ana bagoolch el situation w you should help me ok?"
me "mmm sure"
a7mad " So my mom is a really over protective person, she's nice IF she wants to be, bs usually she's not, w maybe I'm used to it, but others aren't. and you see the problem is that.... she shouted at this girl I'm starting to reeeally like ...and.."

He wasn't looking at me when he said the last sentence, he was looking straight out the door. My mouth fell open and I tried estaw3bing what he had just said, I zoned out of what he was saying afterwards. Girl as in me? What does he mean he's starting to like this girl? I snapped out of my stream of thoughts when He started waving in front of my face, I gasped and looked at him frozen.

a7mad "Did you listen to anything I said???"
me "I..uuh....I.."

I was stuttering I couldn't help it, I DID not hear anything he said after that sentence. and kan shakla m3a9eb when he noticed that I wasn't listening, w marra w7da He lifted his leg, and tucked it into the bed sheet. I looked at him with guilty eyes, my chest hurt, Kan m7arrej 3alay, like seriously angry and pissed and hurt. Was he over reacting??

me "You're sleeping?"
a7amd " LAish y3ne tbainy I talk to you more so U ignore me? y3ne 9dg ro'9a you think it was easy for me to say all that, oh wait you don't even KNOW what I said ! w agool forget it, I take all of it back ! "

He turned his head the opposite side and covered his head with his blanket. He is such a dalooo3! He tells me that he likes me fe awal jumla then he expects me to actually listen to the rest of the conversation?? He said he takes it all back? Could I really just forget what he just said to me? Is that why he almost kissed me last time,

OMG,, how could I be so dense!!?


  1. Quick question: when will you post the next one? Cuz this is short....
    I'm liking him.. Oh and they're meant to be together.. Awww

  2. haha I DNoo *runs away* =b IM aWARe enna it's short ;p

  3. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for such an amazing post....7adha cute ro'9a she zoned out heheheh i would too el9ara7a bas pls let 5alhum yetra'9on finally things are becoming better ya3ni 7aram they seem to deserve each other....bas sij gr8 gr8 post and it was worth the wait

  4. OMG i dnt care how short this was it was just fullfilling b3dain this dosent really count as a short one I truly luvd it
    hes so adorbale .. Mskeeeen he go embarssed i was aming to be the first bs this is better than nothing

    luvs u ba
    trully 1 of my favourite :*

  5. a7mad zo0o0o08aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! o come on dude give her some time! mashAllah ur writing is A-m-a-z-i-N-g!!!! <----hehheee ya3ni style ;p
    Luv you ;***

  6. It was great wallah;** I LOVE your story wallah i was so happy when I saw that you posted and once again keep on doing this amazing job that you're doing:*

  7. speechless *sighs a thousand times*


  9. love ur writing hun , and a7mad 7abbaitah ,, bas he should understand y3ny i wouldve done the same as ro'6a;p

  10. really great post but 6ab3aan its very short so u have to post a really long one on friday please!

  11. amoot 3alich... i adore the story!!!!
    oo ba3dain latna6reena 4 more days 3ashan 1 post plz!

  12. NAwarii =D awWW THX <3 hahaha we'll c =b!

    ALLURe yaaay i Love u , ay7ad who says its short bgoolhm NO allure says its not =D ! :P
    hahah enshalla nxt time ;p hehhe =D

    Glittery-butterflies ahh thanksss (A) !!! <3

    Cupid hehhe <3 ill try my best (A)

    Distracted * gets a paper and moves it up and down awana a fan for u :PP*

    m76 =D hehehhe I love how all ur comments r like mt7aamSA LOL =D <3

    EMniliaaa =D THANKS hehhe yes he iss katkoot ;p ,, hahha men r daloo3eeen wat to do =p

    Anonymous,,, Y is it that all anonymousessss complaain :(

  13. destined love,,, hehe y9eer 5air ;p ,, glad u like it =D

  14. ahaha maskeena ma aloum rotha if she was blocked after hearing this sentence;p

    although it was short, I LOVED every part of it;**

    keep it babe, waiting for another LONG post;)



  16. I need a post abaih admant :p

  17. chnaa kelmaan ga3d y7eb rayly? wla ana ga3d yethaya2lyy?
    and btw; great post, and I REALLY loved it!

  18. Exquisite, etha tboon long post it will take ages LOL =b

    Marry Poppinss ,, hahha ryte :P

    Muneeraa, aww hehe glad 3yabchhh =D ! well ask dreamer 8-)

    haha DReamER yes they are, el7egeeeeee =p

  19. Omggg she should have said somethinggg
    Waiting for the next post ! :D

  20. DREAMER RAYLCH?!! ABAIHHHHH YA BA5TICH FEEEH !La la I Mean Ya ba5ta feech 7aboba:* :p ALLAH etamiim 3alaikoum :*
    il 7achi il emarati 3ajeeeb (Y)

  21. waaaaaaaaaaaayyyy 3ajeeeba el storyyy
    bas el probles is ...u don't post quickly;/
    wayed et6awleeeen ....

    plzzzzzz post post post post post;p

  22. S.W , Lol well ur the only one who said that ! =b

    Munera,, hahah la la RAYEL Ro'9a!!,, bs dREamer thinks he's hers, so deal with her hahahha =p
    haha ofc "7acheena" roks (A) hehe

    Anonymous, glad u like the story,,, w mmm i have my reasons for 6awling and i made that clear earlierrrrrr! u ppl r koko =P!!!

  23. I Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove your story omg admant'ha xD !!!


    Baas ya rabyyyy ro'6ah t8har laish ma t7b a7mad !!!! =(
    i know che wla chee she will =d
    Bas i cant waiit !!

    wallllllllla the best story ever <3333333333333

    w plzzzzzzzzzzz possst 7aram 3alaich t5aleen el wa7d yt7arga9 =p !!

  24. haha!! now i cant wait for the next post ;p! amazing babe.. ;**

  25. I can't wait please post!! I think ur a gifted write and the best of all!!

  26. meh meh meh meh XD
    Okaii so i'm new here P=
    A friend of mine just sent me the link & i'm in Munich right now & kel my family 6el3aw but I stayed in the hotel reading XD!
    I HEART this! (Y)
    Keep going on; la e6awleen 3layna please XD

  27. I don't think he's mine. I claimed him as mine;p so obviously he is mine :P


  29. BLat,, hehe =D THank u

    Anonymous,, aww thnks =$

    mahooling hehe welcome aboard =b! LOL ! I kept u away from ur family that can't be good? @o@ ... heheh glAD u liked it tho ;p ,,,

    Dreamer, hahahha yes yes wtever u say :P

    Anonymous, blehh im so presssured,, don't think there will be any post before teusday =[

  30. "WOW" el story mashalla realy AMAZING <33
    am reading w emotions on my face lol chany 5blah

    Cant wait 4 the next post esta3ylay dear ;p

  31. hehe mawazy Thank uu =D
    lol enshalla ;p

  32. yalla post!!!!!:P

  33. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez post today :(

  34. OH EM GEE !
    I'm Addicted o.o !
    I keep on refreshing 3ashan ashoof lo sawaity post wla la !
    5baaaaal wallah i love it wayed <333 ~
    Mashallah 3laich t5aleen el wa7d y3eesh el 89ah btfa9eelha !
    The best story ever <333
    Plzzzz Post t3abt w ana asawee refresh xD.

  35. guyz i told u nothing lain teusday, or after that =b!

  36. uffff ya3ni el salfeh feeha mthaleh !!!

  37. looooooooooved it ♥!!

    such a wonderful story!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i really didint feel my self while reeding it more than 2 hours passed when i starter reading it =P

  38. Peeps bacher Tuesday! XD

  39. post today im traveling tomorrw o i cant wait !:(

  40. wed-locked;s
    aana il7een bl ma6aar oo dasha men my bb oo my flight is after 4 hours oo im waiting for u to post 7isaay feeni post il7een pleeeas:D:D

  41. hiii i think i am love with the story <3

    w thnxs ..w ana ga3da atrya el post 3la nar..!!

  42. Plzzzzzz post =( !
    i wont be able to use the laptop for few days ma bakoon mawjoodh =( !

    7araaaam 3laich =( !

  43. We're so greedy xD
    Isnt it Tuesday? (A)

  44. awwh anonymous that traveled :( IM so sorry,,, I like seriously ddnt have time !

    aaaaaaand everybody else, I'm working on it (A)

  45. What time will u post the next one cuz if it's within an hour I'll wait if not I'll sleep?

  46. well the thingg issss I wrote wayd of it
    bs ma7s it's done w iM really sleepy =D
    so lets go sleep both of us w ill post it bachr enshalla hehe =D

  47. I LOVE IT!!! Wed-locked I have no idea why I didn't read ur story before it is amazing :*

  48. awwwh Loverss in dubaaai <3 hehe thanks uuu (A)

  49. walla the best story ever awal marah agra g9a
    w akamlha ur a real wonderful writer =P

    when are you gunna post the next one?

  50. Isn't it bacher already? =/

  51. i want to read the rest of the story when are going to complete it
